Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Super Fast Monday: Pork Sate with a fast crudités

This easy pork recipe goes sooo well together with some golden magic, you know french fries.. Sometimes I just have a really hard time to resits those long golden sticks...

Varkenssaté met snelle rauwkost

For this easy Monday recipe we are going to need:

250g Pork loin
1 Clove of garlic
1 Tbsp Sweet Chilli Sauce
2 Tbsp Sweet Soy Sauce
50 Grams of Salted Peanuts
300g Raw Onion from a jar (chilled)
250g Raw Cucumber Salad (chilled)
250g Peanut Sauce 


Cut the pork into cubes and chop the garlic. Mix the pork with the soy sauce, chili sauce and garlic. Marinate it for at least 1 hour the longer the better.
Mix the cucumber vegetable salad with raw onions and spread over a bowl. Sprinkle it with peanuts.
Bake the pork in on the grill till its nice and golden and soft pink inside.
Meanwhile, prepare the peanut sauce according to package directions.
Present it all together on a plate and enjoy it with a good glass of red wine!

Varkenssaté met snelle rauwkost