Kitchen Wisdom Thursday

Kitchen wisdom every Thursday a new Wisdom:

  • If you oil/grease your measure cups or spoons before attempting to measure honey, molasses or other sticky ingredients it helps to prevent the ingredient from sticking too much!
  • Heat up the frying pan with water and a dishwasher detergent tab. Effortless and spotless!
  • Put a fresh stick of Celery in the bag to refresh stale bread.
  • Stick butternut squash in the microwave for a minute or two to soften it before peeling.
  • Use a combination of half cup white vinegar, two tablespoons baking soda and two tablespoons salt to clean your scorched oven. This is the best natural oven cleaning solution.
  • You are the boss of that dough - Julia Child-
  • Age and glasses of wine should never be counted!